Wadokei - The Japanese Clock

Hello, hello, HELLOOOOOO! 
We are meet again, and now i wanna post about Wadokei. Do you know Wadokei? Check this out!!
Japanese peoples used to be on time. This is their life style to be a Japanese. The first mechanic clock in the world made by China in year 604 that mechanic was adapted by Japan. Actually, that clock is astronomy instrumental, but it can be a clock of the day. (Waah amazing! )
In 1551 the missionary jesuit from Spain brought the first europe clock to Japan. That clock had a design lantern clock that made from iron. Ieyasu Tokugawa has 1, but Sakoku Political in 1641 made clock maker from Japan feel suffered. They were not understand the mechanical of europe clock (poor them ) but they are smart to adoption mechanical technology of european clock (yaaay! ). Because of Sakoku Political, the clock maker made a clock named Wadokei. Wadokei from Kanji "wa" means Japan and "tokei" means clock. This clock used to move by ballast or pedal. It is same as lantern clock that have big design and shaped be one with table or shelf.
Wadokei with ballast.
Wadokei with pedal. (it usually there at hands clock)
Time system that used by Japan from Edo age until Meiji age is different from Europe. In Europe 1 day divided by 24 hours, in Japan 1 day is divided by day and night according sunrise and sunset. (it is terrible if the day is so long and the night is short )
Nah that is it the history of Wadokei, i hope your cultures about Japan is become more and more. See ya later, readers! 

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