English Course - Conjuction

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Konjungsi atau kata penghubung berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kata dengan kelompok kata atau kelompok kata dalam suatu kalimat.  Konjungsi dapat dibedakan menjadi 2, yaitu co-ordinate conjunction (konjungsi setara) dan subordinate conjunction (konjungsi bertingakat).
Konjungsi setara (co-ordinate conjunction) seperti and, but, or, dan nor. Jenis konjungsi ini menghubungkan kata benda dengan kata benda, kata kerja dengan kata kerja, kelompok kata dengan kelompok kata, klausa dengan klausa, dan sebagainya.
Contoh :
1. I lost my papers and my pencils.
2. She didn't buy a bag or a dress.
Dalam posting kali ini saya akan membahas tentang konjungsi bertingkat (subordinate conjunction).

  1. Accordingly / Therefore = Karena itu
  2. After all = Bagaimanapun juga
  3. All the same / However / Nevertheless = Namun demikian
  4. Consequently / As a result = Akibatnya
  5. For / Since / Because / As = Karena
  6. Hence = Karena alasan itu, dengan demikian, mulai saat ini
  7. In order that / So that = Sehingga
  8. In case = Kalau-kalau
  9. In the meantime / Meanwhile = Sementara itu
  10. Moreover / Further more = Lagi pula
  11. Namely = Yaitu
  12. While / Whereas = Sedangkan
  13. On the other hand / On the contrary = Sebaliknya
  14. Otherwise / Unless = Jika tidak
  15. Say = Taruhlah, katakanlah

Contoh :

  1. University of Indonesia is a famous university in Indonesia, accordingly many students want to study there.
  2. There are many good universities. After all our university is the best.
  3. The Goverment has given them a new market places. All the same some of them keep selling their things at the side of road.
  4. Her cat died 5 years ago. As a result, she cried for 2 days long.
  5. Everyone is looking for him since he is the only person who knows the truth.
  6. He were born at Kyoto, hence he is named Kyoto Hyoushi
  7. We must practice and study hard. So that we can pass the exam well.
  8. You would better take a raincoat out there, in case it rains.
  9. My mother is shopping at the market, meanwhile i wil take a bath.
  10. She is beautiful moreover she is so kind.
  11. There is one student who gets the best score at English, namely Michael.
  12. She likes shopping very much while I don't.
  13. He loves rock music, on the other hand his father hates very much.
  14. Please study hard, otherwise you will fail the exam.
  15. Can you lend me some money? Say ten thousand rupiahs.

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